My Journey

From mind to paper and back again.

Happy New Year

on January 2, 2016

Wow! It’s really too long since I have posted here.  I was still pregnant last time I did!  Let me first start by saying Happy New Year 2016 though.  I hope you are all well?

Let’s see, I last posted on 11/11/14 and those of you who know me on Facebook or Instagram ( @kirstyross85 ) will have seen that I had my little boy on 12/12/14.  He had a rocky start and a while in Nicu and just a week before he turned one he was discharged from the hospital paediatric team, although he is still under the cardiac team.  Other than medical appointments we have been swamped with visits to family and friends.  Oliver is enjoying nursery and we are enjoying the little bit of freedom it gives us to get some cleaning and chores done.

I did Nanowrimo in November again and managed to complete the 50,000 words in 30 days and in fact have been keeping track of my writing as a daily habit using where I have written at least 750 words every day for 86 days.  Sometimes it has been towards the piece I am working on, other times it has been used as a journal, or even as a place to have a conversation with a character – yes I know that makes me sound loopy but it has helped me work some kinks out.  I am now working on the edit and filling out the glaring plot holes as well as changing bits that really need changing.  After the first one, it is going away for a while so I can work on something else.

I have also done some sewing, a little cross stitch, joined a local art class and generally got back into my artsy fartsy things as A would say.  If you want to see what I have been up to, I would invite you to take a quick look on Instagram by clicking on the link above.

Hopefully we will manage time for a monthly or bi-monthly update on here so I hope to see you all soon xxxxx

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